rosemaryraddon@gmail.comMAIL LINK

'The therapy becomes a shared experience to which client and counsellor contribute equally in different ways' BOWLBY


I am based in Sidmouth and also work in London. The Sidmouth area is well served by bus services.

Training, qualifications and experience

Diploma in Counselling
Birkbeck College, University of London

MSc Psychodynamic Counselling
Birkbeck College, University of London

MA University of North London

Certificate in Supervision
University of Leicester

I have been practising in the public sector and privately since 1990, and have also taught on Counselling courses at degree level.

I also work with organisations - their philosophy, structures, internal dynamics and stresses. This often includes personal coaching, careers advice or counselling which is relevant to the workplace, and which can support people at any level in the structure.

Further details

I work from a home practice.

I operate a sliding scale of charges so that my service is accessible.

Current fees are around £45 per hour but negotiable.

Special arrangements can be made for the unwaged and students.

I am listed with a major professional insurance company.

I am also an experienced supervisor, and provide supervision individually, in groups or in an organisational setting.


What happens next?

Sessions provide space in a secure and confidential setting to explore thoughts, feelings, events, relationships, or any issues which may be causing you difficulty, and creating anger, fear, pain or any other emotion. The process is entirely non-judgemental, no agenda is set, and the exploration of any of these may help you to come to terms with what may be causing pain or conflict, and enable you to understand more clearly why and what is happening in your world. Over a period of time, which varies from person to person, you will increasingly be able to make choices and decisions which are more appropriate for you, and enable you to heal some of the areas which have been complex and unclear.

Areas of help include

Career Counselling
Confidence and Self Esteem Issues
Emotional Trauma
Family Issues
Work Related Issues


Telephone: 01395 513609

Why look for a counsellor?

Are you experiencing stress in your life?

Do you feel anxious?

Are you experiencing loss or bereavement?

Are relationships difficult?

Are you having difficulties at work?

At some point in their lives most people experience distress, acute unhappiness or difficult and stressful situations. These may relate to partnerships, family or to work. Recognizing and identifying some of the underlying issues and working to change these can be helpful and liberating. Having a neutral space as well as time to explore feelings and issues is part of the process. The collaborative relationship between the counsellor and client can frequently contribute to change, and so the choice of counsellor is really important.

How to choose

This can be a complex and sometimes daunting task, but if you feel at ease and safe and able to trust the counsellor then the work will develop and progress. I am bound by the BACP Code of Ethics (ensuring confidentiality and working to a defined standard of practice), and I am registered with two of the major professional bodies.

Useful links